Error Tracker

A free, easy to view and search way to track your error logs for all your projects. Save time, work smart, save stress.

All your errors
are belong in one place

Perfect for developers

As part of the build process see a searchable, clear view of errors across multiple projects.

And for agencies

See a universal view of errors and bugs – before your clients or users complain.

Get instant alerts in once place

Driven direct from the server error logs, pushed safely to your own dashboard. Recieve emailalerts as they happen and deep dive into reports.

Search errors

By having all the errors in one place you can quickly see and search for repeating issues across multiple sites and applications.

Introducing Error-Tracker

From unreadable, un-searchable log files

Stored across multiple servers, operating systems and languages…

To a clear, searchable, dashboard

Complete with instant email alerts based on your preferences.

Forever Free for early adopters. Simple to use

Multi Language support

Once you register on with Error Tracker, and receive your first application key, you can begin to pass in errors as they happen.

We have created a series of SDKs and connectors, with more in the pipeline. If you need more or want to help with development then please get in touch with the team.



Embed Error tracker in your PHP applications.


Coming Soon.

Node/Typescript SDK

Coming Soon.

React SDK

Coming Soon.

YII Connector

Native script for Yii.


Coming Soon.

HAPI connector

Coming Soon.

Wordpress Plugin

In Test Mode.

5 minute Install*

We have a really simple process for developers to have a master view of all their errors. Register now to get started or read some of our documents.

*and yes, we know that is WordPress’s line

Ready to get started?

Create an account or browse the SDKs/Connectors

Who are the creators of Error-Tracker? are a UK based (Cheltenham to be precise) web development agency. We built Error-Tracker to make our lives easier by spotting problems earlier and more easily. Error-Tracker helps when:

Builds on incomplete bug reports

Get alerts instantly across many projects

See and search for patterns in bugs

Be the first to find out more

Sign up to our mailing list for news on new integrations and updates from the community. We hereby promise never to spam, to give away your email address and to generally be nice to you and your precious data. 

Ready to get started?

Create an account or browse the SDKs/Connectors